Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 1 I&E post from red dot museum

1) How do you find the product designs in the Red Dot Museum?
Cool but they are not all innovative ideas some of them have no good use ad only good looking design the descriptions at the
side have virtually no description on the usage and how it works.

2) Are you able to relate the designs to what you have learnt from S.C.A.M.P.E.R.?
Yes the designs have incorporated some of SCAMPER for the ideation and they used assumption smashing too. Eg. the heating

3) What advantages do creative product designs have and how can Singapore leverage(to use as a platform) on this?
Not sure.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Innovative product...??? 0_o

This is an innovative product as it can close and become a night light when not in full use. It is good for small kids as it is quite cool plus it will help them to sleep well at night they will not be afraid of the dark.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Reflection Traits of a Good Leader

ABRAHAM LINCOLN just joking lol

Well I think that a good leader will have good communication and they have to have good charisma and good influence. They are responsible and they always keep their promises.

He or she has to have good character like when he or she sees trouble they will go up to to the people doing that bad thing and tell them to do otherwise. They have to also not give up and be resilient in their work. They are usually organized.

That the person is very good in character. That person always keeps his promises. That person is so professional!

Character and attitude they can start by being good listeners and find out what to do at the right times.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Geography stuff

what is geography?
geography  is the study of the physical features of the earth
eg. rainfall in a particular place type of place temperate dessert etc.
and its atmosphere, and human activity as it affects the earth.
[Frm MacBook dictionary]

why should i study geography?
We should study geography to help us know more about places all over the worl, what the living conditions there are and like mapping.

what career can studying geography help gain?
Geologist, Geography teacher :)

My targets for geography in sec 1?
A2 hopefully :)

Geography stuff

what is geography?
geography  is the study of the physical features of the earth
eg. rainfall in a particular place type of place temperate dessert etc.
and its atmosphere, and human activity as it affects the earth.
[Frm MacBook dictionary]

why should i study geography?
We should study geography to help us know more about places all over the worl, what the living conditions there are and like mapping.

what career can studying geography help gain?
Geologist, Geography teacher :)

My targets for geography in sec 1?
A2 hopefully :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Camp Reflection

I enjoyed the camp well it was quite fun most of the time
I think that my class was good too we collaborated well and we worked well together. Our cheers were creative although I think that Kenneth Aisyah were working O.T. and Adam had some problems with Amrit during the Raft building overall the class worked well together.

The traianers were good too like Trainer Syaza Sam and Z.C.

Trainer Syaza:
was very good to us she was also concerned for us like she told us how to get our flag back and told us storys that were interesting plus she understood us. She was also creative she helped us to produce a verse in our cheer. She also scolded us for the right reasons at the right times.

Trainer Sam:
was always there when she was needed to be like she gave us support and was very funny she also helped us with our flag plus she joined in and led us in the cheers.

Trainer ZC:
was funny and cool and helped us with the high elements

Our camp CC RIO:
was too strict when it came to our punctuality like me and Mohit were late for right reasons but he scolded us before asking us why and he said if we need more time we could ask for it but when we did he only would give us less and less time
EG. RIO: 20 min okay? US: No 30 min RIO: 15 min okay? etc.
and that made us fustrated

Also he stole our flags at the most inapropriate times like the trainers ask us to put down our bags and stuff including watches and things in our pockets before climbing the high and low elements we thought that included the flag too as it would be ridiculous to carry the flag and do the element at the same time so plus we could not let the spotter anchor man second belayer etc. carry the flag while doing the elements at the same time plus he stole our flag when we collected our food and since it would be dumb to carry plates of food while carrying the flag we thought that it would be safe under the table but he stole it too This angered us and we had to ***[MAKE HIM HAPPY TO GET IT BACK]*** this was out of question to us as we had already done our best to protect the flag. Whats worse is that he locked it away an a room unaccesibile to us and if we did enter we would be prime suspects in his investigation of something which was only told to us after one of us went in to the room YET AGAIN UNREASONABLE! :(

Overall I would give the camp[5 being very gd and 1 being bad 2 is average]3 above average but not gd yet

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


What do you understand about the school value "Expanding Our Learning Networks"?
It means that I should not only learn stuff in school or at home but everywhere!

Why is this value important and how will it help you in your learning experience in SST?
SST uses applied learning and so I need to use outside objects to learn and that helps me to learn better


How do I feel about working as a team?
I think that it has its ups and downs like having means more people to think with and more people to brainstorm this helps by giving more ideas to the group. But that also means that there will be disagreements among members and so this could cause a rift to occur between members.

What do I think about my interactions with my team members?
I have already made a couple of friends like Mohit and Elijah so it is easier to talk around and not feel so shy while at it.I think that I interact welll with my team, they understand me and stuff like that.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Matthew’s reflection bout the bridge building activity

How I feel about working in a team on the bridge building project...
It is easier in terms of man power as we have more people working to complete the project plus its also more fun as we get to joke around a little bit

What I think about my interactions with the group...
I think that I interacted well with my group members and and we shared the same thinking although there was some objections to the design we chose.
They were open to suggestions and did not mind a comment here or there.

What i have learnt about myself through the activities...
I have learnt that i’m more of a take charge person then a participant its like i could be only a participant if i wanted but i think i prefer to give suggestions rather than just follow blindly.

What i plan to do in the future with reference What i have learnt about myself...
I believe that i could try to be even more open to suggestions.

Did I experience any fears and, discomfort and stuff like that...?
well this my second time blogging and i hope to post more was kinda weird the first post haha

umm this is the picture i chose to represent my feelings as i was very happy to receive the letter

the pic is from